Personal Training

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Online Training

Join Gladiator Strong Fitness via Zoom from anywhere in the world. These classes are designed to get you off the couch in between work meetings and binge watching your favorite Netflix show. While bringing you closer to your fitness goals and not letting Covid-19 interrupt your progress you worked hard to achieve before the pandemic. If you weren’t working hard before this is the perfect time to start! This program is also an excellent choice for those who travel a lot but still wish to stay on top of their workouts from anywhere in the world. Consultations can be done via email, Zoom, or on the telephone. 


One on One training

If your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or tone up,  then you are looking for one-on-one personal training. You will be provided with custom programs specific to your goals. Whether it’s at your home, office gym, or residential community gym we will provide you with the same great workout.  Our trainer’s focus on form and technique, which ensures each client achieves maximum results from each rep, while preventing injury. 

Individual training rates

4 sessions = 1x per week = $375 per month

8 sessions = 2x per week = $740 per month

12 sessions = 3x per week = $1,070 per month

16 sessions = 4x per week = $1,420 per month



Small Group Training

Small Group Training combines individualized instruction with the community atmosphere of Group fitness classes. Typically small group training is comprised of 4-6 individuals, fitness levels can range from first time in the gym to spartan athlete, trainers will be sure to provide individual coaching even within the group setting and exercises can be modified as necessary. Small group training is great for family and friends as well as corporate teams. small group training can help you break through your plateau and reach your desired results surrounded by people with similar goals all while having a really fun time.  These faster paced, metabolic workouts are designed with the potential to burn up to 600 calories per hour.

Group training rates

Group of 2-3 people = $65 per person per Session

Group of 4-6 people = $60 per person per Session

Group of 6-10 people = $55 per person per Session

Getting Started

the first step toward your awesome fitness journey would be to schedule a consultation with a personal trainer. During the initial consultation we will sit down and discuss your goals in more depth and discuss a plan to help you achieve those goals. followed by a brief workout to test your upper body, lower body and core strength to assess your current fitness level and plan the pace for future workouts. The consultation will be $90 and typically last up to one hour. If this is something you feel you may benefit from click the button below to schedule the start of your fitness journey.